Joanne Hsu

Joanne Hsu is the Director of Healthcare Department at Marxom Technology. She focuses on enabling tech companies (life science and MedTech technologies in particular) to scale up in the Asia Pacific region. Joanne has shared her in-depth knowledge of China as a mentor in accelerator programmes such as Sophia Business Angels’ International Venture Academy and the Latvian Venture Camp, and supported European founders seeking investment and advice on scaling up in China. In 2019, Joanne designed a tailored accelerator programme aimed at European AI startups, “Go To China Venture Camp”, with the Shanghai Municipal government and leading Chinese corporates. Through her network in China, Joanne has established innovation centres with leading State-owned Enterprises there, endorsed by both the UK and Chinese governments. She also helped Chinese tech corporations to screen startups for investment, technology and commercial collaboration, and M&A opportunities. Some of the results of her work in this area have also been the subject of her paper on “Cross-border Technology Transfer and Collaboration”, published in the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies ( Joanne holds an MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Manchester, and is a Fellow at the Royal Society of Art.



秦玉学博士于2004年赴德国柏林工业大学汽车技术研究所攻读博士学位。在柏林工业大学期间参与并主持欧盟框架计划项目CLEVER( Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport)概念车底盘电子控制系统子项目。CLEVER概念车获得美国时代周刊评选为年度最佳交通工具发明,并永久陈列于宝马博物馆。 在德国宝马汽车集团全球研究与创新中心期间,参与和主持了多款车型混合动力系统、主动安全与互联驾驶系统的开发工作,系统应用于多款量产车型上,包括7系、5系、3系和MINI等多款车型。 作为宝马汽车集团技术代表参与欧盟智能驾驶数据采集与分析领域大型联合研究项目Euro FOT。 作为宝马汽车集团技术代表团成员参与欧盟智能网联汽车领域大型联合研究项目PEGASUS, 主持宝马汽车集团拥堵辅助系统针对中国复杂路况的系统升级与开发项目,并作为技术负责人将BMW拥堵辅助驾驶系统引入中国市场。 主持宝马汽车集团自动刹车系统针对中国复杂路况的系统升级与开发项目。 作为宝马汽车集团技术代表参与制定多项中国汽车主动安全与智能驾驶领域的标准法规。 主持宝马汽车集团大中华区交通事故分析与缺陷产品鉴定工作,并受聘为中国汽车技术研究中心“中国交通事故深入分析”项目资深专家与项目发起人之一。 2013年—至今担任德国华人汽车工程师协会 秘书长 2018年7月回国创业,北京钛橙智驾科技有限公司创始人、总经理


Elena Klimshina

Elena leads the international project at Ingria, she is an expert technology assessment and business development specialist, focused on company support and international commercialisation. As the Senior Programme Manager at Ingria Business Incubator in St Petersburg, she is responsible for coordination on projects and business expansion strategy. Elena has years of experience working with the Saint Petersburg State University Chancellor as Head of Office of Vice-Rector on International Affairs, Research and Academic Development, managing European Commission projects. She studied at SPbU and The University of Bologna and holds desgrees in International Relations and Balkan Studies. Elena also consults businesses independently on a broad range of development acceleration issues.


Oksana Khromova

Oksana is the Chief Partner Network Development Officer at the Internet Initiatives Development Fund Accelerator (IIDF) and develops new growth and scaleup strategies for the organisation, facilitates international partner network development and focuses on acclerator programmes. Oksana also manages the work effectiveness of of experts and consultants at the fund accelerator and leads the launch of new products throughout the IIDF accelerator. before join IIDF, she founded Ruladys LLC and served as a consultant for many innovative firms.She holds a Master desgree and proficient at English and Russian languages.



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