杨少峰先生在跨国企业、政府部门、央企的研发与科技部门历任软件工程师、研发总监、科技外交官、高级管理等职位,具有深厚的产业背景,熟悉电子信息、智能制造、大数据、区块链等领域的技术、产品、市场和发展趋势,积累了丰富的国际与国内科技和产业资源,善于项目挖掘和开发,具有完整的产业基金设计、募集、组织和执行的成功经验。 Mr. Yang ShaoFeng has rich experience and resources in industries of telecom, industry4.0, big data, AI and so on by undertaking a very dynamic career from multi-nation enterprises, municipal government and state-owned giant companies. He started his career from a software engineer and grown up to be a R&D director in telecom edge, and then was selected to be a sci-tech public servant. After the government Mr Yang had worked in VC/PE for a couple of years and achieved a couple of successes of projects.