Plinio Innocenzi is full professor of Materials Science at the University of Sassari where is director of the Laboratory of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. He has served from 2010 to 2018 as Science and Technology Counsellor at the Embassy of Italy t o the People Republic of China. He has authored more than 250 scientific articles devoted to the study of nanoscience and development of nanotechnologies. He has been visiting professor at Kyoto University, Osaka Prefecture University, Beijing University o f Chemical Technology and is Honorary Professor of the Normal University of Luoyang. He is coordinating editor of Journal of Nanoparticle Research, member of the Editorial Board of Materials, Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology and a member of the sc ientific board of Mondo Cinese. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
何清,中国科学院计算技术研究所研究员,博导,在机器学习、数据挖掘的研究中提出了基于超曲面的覆盖学习算法等一系列成果。在IJCAI、AAAI、ICDE、IEEE TKDE 等国际杂志和国内外重要会议上发表CCFAl类论文30余篇论文。主持完成多项国家基金、863项目,参加完成多项973计划、基金重点项目,现正在承担一项重点研发课题。2008年开发了中国最早的基于云计算的大数据挖掘系统,已用于多行业和多领域大数据挖掘。2006 年度获得北京市科学技术奖。2015年获得了吴文俊人工智能科学技术创新奖,2018年获得PAKDD2018最有影响论文奖。 Qing He is a professor and PhD supervisor of Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. At the end of 2008, commissioned by the Research Institution of China Mobile, Professor He led his team, Data Mining and Machine Learning Research Group, to cooperatively complete parallel data mining platform based on cloud computing. The system is used for mining data from real world in TB-level. This innovation achieves a high efficiency low cost data mining, which makes China acquire self-owned intellectual property rights of the technique of data mining based on cloud computing. Meanwhile, that practice is also the pioneer of data mining based on cloud computing in China. Professor He as project director has completed several programs supported by the National Natural Science Fund of China and China’s National “863” programme successively, and He as well as his team has proposed a series of effective algorithms on data mining. The software programs about data mining that professor He organized have already acquired software copyrights, which are widely applied to dozens of companies across various industries, bringing considerable economic and social benefits. He won Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Innovation Award In 2015. In 2018, he won the most influential paper award of PAKDD18.